Everything you need starts at $1
Micro.one and Micro.blog include blog hosting at your own domain name, short-form microblogging or full-length blog posts, and ActivityPub for sharing with the Mastodon the fediverse.
We'll host a blog for you with all the basics:
- Use your own domain name
- Short or long posts
- Photo hosting
- Podcast hosting
- Publish from the web or native apps
Everything for blog hosting at your domain name and much more...
- Automatic cross-posting to Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky, and other services
- Manual cross-posting to Twitter / X
- Photo and video hosting
- Custom themes
Micro.blog Premium
All the standard features of Micro.blog, plus...
- Up to 5 blogs
- Email newsletters
- Private and shared notes
- Strata mobile app for notes
- Bookmark archiving and highlighting
Micro.blog Family
Great for families, friends, or small teams.
- Add up to 5 people to any of your blogs
- Members can write or edit blog posts
- Everything from Micro.blog Premium