Micro.one is part of the fediverse.
When you post to your blog, your posts and photos are also sent to followers on Mastodon and elsewhere.
By default your fediverse handle is
, but by using your own domain name with Micro.blog, your handle could be @yourname@yourblog.com
instead. Your identity is connected to your name, not to someone else's server.
Micro.one handles the entire flow from your blog, to the fediverse, and back to your blog.

Start with a new blog post...

Followers see your blog post on Mastodon...

Replies appear back on your blog.
(You can even curate them.)
Import posts from Mastodon, WordPress, Ghost, Tumblr, and many other microblogging platforms. We even have Twitter / X import, giving you a special second blog just to archive old tweets.